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10.1145/3452144.3452244acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicliqeConference Proceedingsconference-collections

The Suitability of Planning and Implementing ICT-based Learning by Biology Teachers in Senior High School

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


The influence of ICT in all areas of life, especially in education will have a greater impact on the world to come. The management of ICT based learning that is carried out consists of planning and implementing learning by integrating ICT in the learning activities. This study aims to determine the suitability of learning plans in ICT-based RPP with the implementation of ICT-based learning by biology teachers in Palembang with 32 respondents as biology teachers. The suitability aspects of ICT based learning that is measured consists of ICT devices; ICT based media; ICT based teaching materials; ICT based learning resources. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS. Descriptive analysis results state that the value of ICT based learning planning is 37.89, while the implementation of ICT based learning has a score of 40.85. Inferential analysis which is a different test states that there is no significant difference between planning and implementing ICT based learning by biology teachers in Palembang, with a sig score of 0.838 > 0.005. That means that the planning made by teachers in ICT based RPP is almost the same as the implementation of ICT based leraning in the classroom.


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  1. The Suitability of Planning and Implementing ICT-based Learning by Biology Teachers in Senior High School



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    Published: 25 April 2021


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    2. implementing of ICT based learning
    3. planning of ICT based learning


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