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10.1145/3452144.3452247acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicliqeConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Blended Learning Between Team Games Tournament (TGT) And Web-Based Module as an Effort To Improve The Achievement Of Student Competency In Automotive Departement

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


This research focuses on creating a web-based module collaboration with team games tournament as a blended learning model for automotive department students. The research method used a class action research purposed to know the impact of blended learning to use team games tournament and web-based module as an effort to improve competence achievement for students in the automotive department with 32 students as the research subject. The research focused on the teacher's activities, student's activities, and post-test results. The pre-action result showed that the completeness level was 67,74%. After the first act was done, the student's competence increased up to 93,5%. After the 2nd action has done, the student's completeness in learning was 87,09%. From these 2 actions implemented, the average result found was higher than the minimum standard that has been targeted by 75%. Implementing blended learning team games tournament and Web-Based Module suggested being implemented in other learning subjects because it is acknowledge as the creative, innovative, and interesting method to improve student's competence accomplishment.


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Index Terms

  1. Blended Learning Between Team Games Tournament (TGT) And Web-Based Module as an Effort To Improve The Achievement Of Student Competency In Automotive Departement



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    Published: 25 April 2021


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