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View all- Febrian AWilujeng IKun Prasetyo Z(2024)Literature Review: Development of Science Learning Based on Local Wisdom and Indigenous Knowledge for ESDKnE Social Sciences10.18502/kss.v9i13.15989Online publication date: 26-Apr-2024
This research is a quasi-experiment with non-equivalent control group design with the aim to know critical and creative thinking skills of students through Remap STAD (Reading-Concept Mapping-Student Teams Achievement Division) learning model. ...
This paper examines the correlation of mathematical critical thinking and creative thinking skills towards students' mathematical achievements. A total of 115 eighth grade students from three schools in Sleman Regency were involved as the subject of ...
Due to the rapid growth of network technology, its openness and sharing capabilities and interaction have helped change the art education model for the better. Increased science has been presented to students who spend a lot of time ...
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