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Development of Indonesian Language Learning Videos for Elementary Schools Storytelling Activities for Distance Learning

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


This development research was carried out to deal with the current situation, namely learning that must still be done online. Online learning is distance learning that requires a transformation in several ways that support aspects of learning, one of which is the selection of teaching materials that are appropriate and easy to use in distance learning or online learning. One of the teaching materials that can be selected is a learning video, besides being more interesting than a book, the video is equipped with movements and sounds that make elementary school children more motivated to learn. Besides being able to include pictures, audio, and audiovisual, can also include explanations from educators in the material therein. The subject of this video is the storytelling activity on my family's sub-theme in 1st-grade Elementary School. The research method used is a 10 steps method of Borg and Gall development research which is grouped into 4 procedures. The results obtained are the value of eligibility by media experts with an average score of 3.31 with very good criteria, the value of eligibility by material experts get an average score of 3.20 with good criteria and, while the worthiness value by linguists gets an average score average of 3.15 with good criteria. Student response was very good, with an average score of 3.23 small group trials and an average score of 3.37 field trials, the teacher's trial response was very good with an average score of 3.59. The use of instructional videos on Distance Learning Indonesian Language subjects proved to be interesting to use for learning viewed through a questionnaire of user responses regarding student interest. It shows that the video learning material of my family is suitable for use in Distance Learning in First Grade Elementary School.


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  1. Development of Indonesian Language Learning Videos for Elementary Schools Storytelling Activities for Distance Learning



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    Published: 25 April 2021


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    1. Distance Learning
    2. Indonesian Language Learning
    3. Storytelling Activities
    4. Video Media


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