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STEM-Project Based Learning Integration On Bioacoustics Worksheet To Enhance Critical Thinking Skills

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


STEM is the interdisciplinary subject's integration which plays a key role in the future career. The integration of STEM education and project-based learning on science worksheets in digital format needs to be explored as the alternative guideline for students to provide higher-order thinking skills. Thus, this research aims to develop bioacoustic student worksheet based on STEM-project to enhance critical thinking skills. Borg & Gall model was used and adopted into five main steps: (1) research and information collecting; (2) planning; (3) develop a form of product; (4) expert judgment; (5) product revision. The preliminary research was conducted through an online questionnaire and interview with 17 science teachers in Central Java to collect information about STEM-project based learning implementation and students' critical thinking. Validation of bioacoustic student worksheet was carried out to science learning experts and two instructional media experts. Data were collected through a media validation questionnaire. Descriptive quantitative technique was used to analyze the quality of developed worksheets by converting the score to a scale of 4 based on Nieveen's criteria. The worksheet has been developed in flipbook digital format with additional animation videos to promotes active learning which is easy to use. Measure the sound wave quantities and design the bioacoustics investigation on plant growth projects give opportunities to the students to ask questions, analyze, and evaluate. Based on the expert judgment using Nieveen criteria, the developed worksheet is feasible to use, and able to enhance critical thinking skill.


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