Cited By
View all- Cruz SViseu FLencastre J(2022)Project-Based Learning Methodology as a Promoter of Learning Math Concepts: A Scoping ReviewFrontiers in Education10.3389/feduc.2022.9533907Online publication date: 8-Jul-2022
The importance of integrating inquiry-based strategies into STEM activities lies in creating a challenging and engaging teaching environment that promotes active learning among students. This educational setting not only sparks students’ interest ...
This research describes learning activities and techniques that improve deep and critical thinking among students. Critical thinking is considered an ultimate goal in MIS education; and learners who reach critical thinking level can achieve the highest ...
The purpose of this preliminary literature review is to synthesize ten articles pertaining to the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) on college students' critical thinking and the design of PBL environment in the reviewed studies. The ...
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