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The Effectiveness of Convertible Book Media based on Scientific Approach Viewed from Students' Critical Thinking Skill

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is the key for children in facing the 4.0 industrial revolution. Support media that is integrated with HOTS is expected to overcome these problems. This study was intended to develop and investigate the effectiveness of a convertible book as an instructional medium to increase students' critical thinking skills in learning. This study used the R & D method based upon Borg and Gall's 10 phases of development. The subjects were fourth-grade students of primary schools in Depok, Indonesia. Data collection techniques were interviews, observation, test questions, and scale. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and t-test. The results showed that the media was suitable to use as an instructional medium. This was demonstrated by the results of assessments from media and subject matter experts and the responses of teachers and students which obtained the "excellent" category of the score. Importantly, the convertible book was found effective to increase students' critical thinking skills in learning. This was shown by the results of the p-value of t-test: 0.000 and 0.001. In short, this study extended our knowledge that convertible book media based on a scientific approach was an avenue to instill students' critical thinking skills.


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    • (2021)Parental Self-Efficacy in Helping Elementary Children Learn at HomeProceedings of the 5th International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education10.1145/3516875.3516905(1-7)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2021

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