The Effectiveness of Multicultural Education Teaching Materials on The Nationalism of Elementary School Teacher Education Students
Article No.: 91, Pages 1 - 7
A learning culture is very much needed in learning in elementary schools. For this reason, every elementary school teacher must have knowledge and abilities in cultural material. This research develops cross-cultural study teaching materials to improve the nationalism character of students. The research method used is the ADDIE method. The development model used in this study is a development model with ADDIE design namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The subjects of this study were sixth semester students of the elementary school teacher education study program, FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya. Data collection techniques are expert validation sheets and questionnaires. Data were analyzed using qualitative analysis and analysis of the results of expert validation tests. The product trial phase is carried out on 6th semester students. The results of the study indicate that cross-cultural study teaching materials are suitable for use in learning. It is shown from the results of the validation sheet analysis by the validator that the teaching material developed is included in the excellent category. In addition, the results of the analysis of the questionnaire given to students after using cross-cultural study teaching materials showed the character of student nationalism was in the very good category, and the questionnaire responses provided indicated teaching materials were suitable for use.
The results showed that the development of cross-cultural study teaching materials influenced the nationalism character of elementary school teacher education students in the Teacher Training Faculty, Universitas Sriwijaya and the developed teaching materials were suitable for use in learning in cross-cultural Study subjects.
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- The Effectiveness of Multicultural Education Teaching Materials on The Nationalism of Elementary School Teacher Education Students
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