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10.1145/3452144.3453769acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicliqeConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Correlation of Regular Students' Perception Towards The Special Needs Children With Social Acceptance In Inclusive Elementary School

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


This research aims to know the correlation between regular students' perception towards special needs children with social acceptance in inclusive elementary school. This research used a quantitative approach with the correlational type of research and survey design of research. The subject of this research was 33 regular students in the 6th grade of Pajang 1 Surakarta inclusive elementary school. Meanwhile, there were 7 students with special needs that learned together with the regular students in this class. The validity test used the expert judgment and the determination of fall items with Product-Moment formula. The reliability test used the Alpha Cronbach's formula with the help of SPSS For Windows 25.0, the reliability coefficient that was obtained from the perception scale was in the amount of 0,875 and the social acceptance scale was in the amount of 0,978. The data were obtained through a questionnaire with the type of perception and social acceptance scale. Data analysis in this research used Pearson correlation coefficient of product-moment correlation. The result showed that the coefficient of correlation was in the amount of 0,775 with significance at the 0,01 level (2-tailed). Therefore, there was a significant correlation between regular students' perception of special needs children with social acceptance in the 6th grade inclusive elementary school Pajang 1 Surakarta.


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Index Terms

  1. Correlation of Regular Students' Perception Towards The Special Needs Children With Social Acceptance In Inclusive Elementary School



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      ICLIQE 2020: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education
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      Published: 25 April 2021


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      1. Inclusion
      2. children with special needs
      3. perception
      4. regular students
      5. social acceptance


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