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10.1145/3452144.3453774acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicliqeConference Proceedingsconference-collections

The Development of an Inclusion Metric for Indonesia Higher Education Institutions

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


Inclusive education in higher education is still new in Indonesia. In some parts of the wirld, especially in western countries, universities have long been inclusive for students with disabilities. A variety of programs are available for these individuals, academic or vocasional. Universities have made a lot of adaptations in instructional processes and a variety of special services are provided. In Indonesia, a minister regulation on inclusive education inclusive educational services was signed in 2016. But before that, a few universities began to admit students with disabilities, and after the minster regulation was signed, there are many universities initiating inclusive education with avariety of quality. The objective of this study is to produce an inclusion metric for Indonesian universities. The metric is expected to be used to measure the quality of services in inclusive universities and to become a guide in initiating or improving the educational services. The development process used an R&D method, consisting of three stages. In the first stage, a frame work of inclusive education was obtained through literature riview. In the second stage, a preliminary blueprint of instrument was produced. The blueprint was reviewed by 10 experts in special education. Based on the revised blueprint, a draft of a metric was developed and is now ready for the third stage, feasibility study involving unviversities in Indonesia that are practicing inclusive education. The results of the initial development process is a final blueprint of instrument of Higher Education Inclusion Metric. Based on the blueprint, the full instrument could be further developed.


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  1. The Development of an Inclusion Metric for Indonesia Higher Education Institutions



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    ICLIQE 2020: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education
    September 2020
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    Published: 25 April 2021


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    1. higher education
    2. inclusion
    3. metric
    4. students with disabilities
    5. students with special needs


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