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Biology Conceptual Knowledge: Do The Teachers' Qualifications Make a Difference?

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


SKL of primary and secondary education set each graduate to have cognitive knowledge (factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive). The teacher must improve their ability to carry out the learning process. This study aimed to determine the biology conceptual knowledge at XI grade of state senior high school students in Padang on the subject of the human digestive system based on the teachers' qualifications. This research is quantitative descriptive with the survey method. The population in this study is a hypothetical population that includes all biology teachers XI grade of state senior high school in Padang 2019/2020 school year. The sample representing the hypothetical population is a convenience sample consisting of 6 biology teachers. The technique of collecting data used essay and multiple-choice test forms which was the instrument of the research. The collected data are analyzed descriptively and inferentially. Data inferential analysis technique used Kruskal Wallis Test. The result of descriptive analysis showed the conceptual knowledge of the students very low. The result of the inferential analysis showed that p= 0,018 (p <0,05), so there was a significant difference between students taught by S1 (S. Pd.), S2 (S. Si., M. Pd.), S2 (M. Pd.), and S3 (Dr., M. Si.). The conceptual knowledge of students taught by S3 (Dr., M. Si.) is higher than with students taught by S1 (S. Pd.), S2 (S. Si., M. Pd.), S2 (M. Pd.), with the mean score S1 (S. Pd.)= 21,28, S2 (S. Si., M. Pd.)= 23,91, S2 (M. Pd.)= 20,40, S3 (Dr., M. Si.)= 25,09.


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  1. Biology Conceptual Knowledge: Do The Teachers' Qualifications Make a Difference?



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