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Building Students' Environmental Care Attitudes In Digital Era Through The Implementation School Culture In Elementary Schools

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


Globalization in the industrial revolution 4.0 which will turn into an era of society 5.0 giving birth to new technologies that lead to the exploitation of large natural resources resulting in a number of environmental damage. the way to overcome this is to develop a environmental care attitudes from an early age through school culture in elementary schools. This study aims to describe the implementation of school culture to build students' environmental care attitudes at SDN Tegalsari, Surakarta. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using the Miles & Huberman model include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Research subjects were teachers including principals and students. The results showed that the implementation of school culture to build an attitude of caring for the environment is done by habituation in four activities: (1) through routine activities carried out by students consistently, (2) exemplary school principals, teacher attitudes, educators in providing examples of caring actions environment (3) spontaneous activities carried out at the time, (4) conditioning by creating conditions of caring for the environment. Through the school culture that has been applied so as to bring up environmental care attitudes such as disposing of trash in its place, care for plants around the school by taking care and not damaging it, maintain cleanliness in the classroom and school environment, carry out picket activities, water-saving behavior of students at SDN Tegalsari Surakarta.


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  1. Building Students' Environmental Care Attitudes In Digital Era Through The Implementation School Culture In Elementary Schools



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    Published: 25 April 2021


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    1. Elementary School
    2. Environmental Care Attitudes
    3. School Culture


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