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Learning Science Through Mashed Herbs

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


Herbal medicine is a traditional medicine that is still often encountered around us. Jamu is made from spices with simple processing, one of which is ground. People often make herbal medicine but have not paid deep attention to what learning is contained in it. This study explores the relationship between learning science and herbal medicine mash made by the Samin residents. The purpose of this study was to explore the science concept in the process of making mashed herbal medicine for the Samin residents. This study used ethnographic methods with qualitative descriptive data analysis. There were 5 respondents consisting of Baturejo village officials, the elders of the samin community, the descendants of samin who were married to other samin, the descendants of samin who were married to Islam, and one Sukolilo villager who was involved to explore the concept of sains in the process of making the mashed herbal medicine of the Samin residents. The process of collecting data by means of semi-structured interviews. The results of the interview indicated that the Samin residents had applied the science concept in the process of making mashed jamu, but did not understand it because 99% did not go to school. The understanding of the people of Samin is only about making herbal medicine using natural tools that were passed down by their ancestors for medicine. The science concept contained in the mashed herbal medicine process includes the concept of motion, force, pressure, friction, collision, form, acid-base, color change, molecules and particles, active locomotion, and vitamin content.


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  1. Learning Science Through Mashed Herbs



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    Published: 25 April 2021


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    1. Learning Natural Sciences
    2. Mashed Herbs
    3. Samin
    4. Sikep


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