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Understanding, Participation, and Obstacles of Elementary School Teachers in Improving Scientific Writing Skills

Published: 25 April 2021 Publication History


This study aims to determine teacher's understanding and participation in scientific writing and describe their obstacles in improving scientific writing skills. This study is qualitative. Study with a descriptive design. Public elementary school teachers in Laweyan District, Surakarta were the subjects of this study. The study was conducted from February to July 2020. Data collection techniques include interviews and documentation while data validity techniques include source triangulation. Qualitative descriptive analysis was employed through four stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results show that (1) the level of teacher's understanding of scientific writing is 40% (understand) and 60% (not understand); (2) the level of teacher's participation in scientific writing is 20% (often write scientific papers), 60% (rarely write scientific papers), and 20% (have never or never written scientific papers); and (3) factors that inhibit teacher's understanding and participation are internal (age, motivation, and lack of teacher insight and idea development) and external factors (lack of continuous training on scientific writing, school administrative tasks, and financial support). Therefore, this study can guide schools or education offices to improve the workings and programs of continuing professional development before taking into account the obstacles experienced by the teachers to provide appropriate facilities for them.


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  1. Understanding, Participation, and Obstacles of Elementary School Teachers in Improving Scientific Writing Skills



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    Published: 25 April 2021


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    1. Teacher's understanding
    2. scientific writing
    3. teacher obstacle
    4. teacher's participation


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