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View all- Caballer MMoltó GCalatrava ABlanquer I(2023)Infrastructure Manager: A TOSCA-Based Orchestrator for the Computing ContinuumJournal of Grid Computing10.1007/s10723-023-09686-721:3Online publication date: 14-Sep-2023
Scientific workflow systems have become a necessary tool for many applications, enabling the composition and execution of complex analysis on distributed resources. Today there are many workflow systems, often with overlapping functionality. A key issue ...
Scientific workflows SWFs are widely used to model processes in e-Science. SWFs are executed by means of workflow management systems WMSs, which orchestrate the workload on top of computing infrastructures. The advent of cloud computing infrastructures ...
Data-intensive scientific applications are posing many challenges in distributed computing systems. In the scientific field, the application data are expected to double every year over the next decade and further. With this continuing data explosion, ...
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