Cited By
View all- Zakhvatkin LSchechter ABuri EAvrahami I(2021)Edge Cooling of a Fuel Cell during Aerial Missions by Ambient AirMicromachines10.3390/mi1211143212:11(1432)Online publication date: 21-Nov-2021
The purpose of this study is to find the effect of reaction gas relative humidity (RH) on the current density distribution of cathode flow field plate in a commercial size proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEM fuel cell) with serpentine flow field. In ...
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) systems are more and more presented as a good alternative to current energy converters such as internal combustion engines. They suffer however from insufficient reliability and durability for stationary and ...
Recently, new alternatives to conventional energy sources such as fossil fuels are arising due to global problems related to climate change effect and energy shortage. In this context, fuel cells and combined heat and power technologies appear as a ...
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