Cited By
View all- Vyakaranam ARamayah BMaul T(2024)Preliminary Study: Speech Emotion Recognition in Online Teaching From the Perspective of Educators Especially Late Deafened2024 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Technology (ICoSEIT)10.1109/ICoSEIT60086.2024.10497503(216-221)Online publication date: 28-Feb-2024
- Vyakaranam AMaul TRamayah B(2024)A review on speech emotion recognition for late deafened educators in online educationInternational Journal of Speech Technology10.1007/s10772-023-10064-727:1(29-52)Online publication date: 24-Jan-2024
- Rathi SDeshpande Y(2023)Embedding Affect Awareness in e-Learning: A Systematic Outline of the LiteratureAI, IoT, Big Data and Cloud Computing for Industry 4.010.1007/978-3-031-29713-7_3(39-63)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2023