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Advanced GAF routing protocol using the goal attainment method in WSN

Published: 26 November 2021 Publication History


Various technologies have been developed to better improve lifestyles, including Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), used in multiple areas of research and consisting of a large number of sensor nodes. Drums in the area of interest, sensors collect data and transmit it to the base station (BS). Therefore, the key indicator for the design of WSN is the lifetime of the network. In this article, we provide an optimized GAF routing protocol that has been improved to optimize power consumption. It provides a multi-target version, which can maximize the coverage of communication between nodes to improve coverage efficiency. This is one of the key issues in the deployment of the sensor network, followed by the elected leader to minimize the proportion of active sensor nodes. The end goal is to minimize energy consumption. All these objectives are taken into account in our proposed version. The experimental results prove that in terms of performance, number of dead nodes, and energy consumption, the objectives proposed by this new version of GAF are superior to the existing basic and optimized GAF-GAF research. The practice has proven that the proposed target GAF can improve network lifetime.


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NISS '21: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Networking, Information Systems & Security
April 2021
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Published: 26 November 2021


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Author Tags

  1. Attainment goals
  2. Dead nodes
  3. Energy-Consumption
  4. Location-based
  5. Optimized GAF
  6. WSN
  7. routing


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited




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