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∃ℝ-complete Decision Problems about (Symmetric) Nash Equilibria in (Symmetric) Multi-player Games

Published: 29 May 2021 Publication History


A decision problem about Nash equilibria is concerned with whether a given game has a Nash equilibrium with certain natural properties. We settle the complexity of such decision problems over multi-player games, establishing that (nearly) all decision problems that were before shown NP-complete over 2-player games in References [5, 12, 18] become ∃ℝ-complete over multi-player games. ∃ℝ [27] is the class capturing the complexity of deciding the Existential Theory of the Reals. Specifically, we present a simple, unifying, parametric polynomial time reduction from the problem of deciding, given a 3-player (symmetric) game, whether there is a (symmetric) Nash equilibrium where all strategies played with non-zero probability come from a given set, which was shown ∃ℝ-complete in Reference [17]. By suitably working on the tuning parameters, our reduction delivers two extensive catalogs of ∃ℝ-complete decision problems in multi-player games. The first addresses Nash equilibria in general games, while the second encompasses symmetric Nash equilibria in symmetric games. These results resolve completely the main open problem from Reference [17] to enlarge the class of ∃ℝ-complete decision problems about (symmetric) Nash equilibria in multi-player (symmetric) games.


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Cited By

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  • (2025)The Computational Complexity of Equilibria with Strategic ConstraintsSOFSEM 2025: Theory and Practice of Computer Science10.1007/978-3-031-82697-9_9(112-127)Online publication date: 21-Jan-2025
  • (2023)Computational Complexity of Decision Problems About Nash Equilibria in Win-Lose Multi-player GamesAlgorithmic Game Theory10.1007/978-3-031-43254-5_3(40-57)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2023
  • (2022)On the Computational Complexity of Decision Problems About Multi-player Nash EquilibriaTheory of Computing Systems10.1007/s00224-022-10080-166:3(519-545)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2022

Index Terms

  1. ∃ℝ-complete Decision Problems about (Symmetric) Nash Equilibria in (Symmetric) Multi-player Games



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      Published In

      cover image ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation
      ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation  Volume 9, Issue 3
      September 2021
      181 pages
      Issue’s Table of Contents
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 29 May 2021
      Accepted: 01 December 2020
      Revised: 01 August 2020
      Received: 01 January 2018
      Published in TEAC Volume 9, Issue 3


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      Author Tags

      1. Multi-player games
      2. Nash equilibria
      3. existential theory of the reals


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      • (2025)The Computational Complexity of Equilibria with Strategic ConstraintsSOFSEM 2025: Theory and Practice of Computer Science10.1007/978-3-031-82697-9_9(112-127)Online publication date: 21-Jan-2025
      • (2023)Computational Complexity of Decision Problems About Nash Equilibria in Win-Lose Multi-player GamesAlgorithmic Game Theory10.1007/978-3-031-43254-5_3(40-57)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2023
      • (2022)On the Computational Complexity of Decision Problems About Multi-player Nash EquilibriaTheory of Computing Systems10.1007/s00224-022-10080-166:3(519-545)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2022

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