Cited By
View all- Levina ARyaskin G(2022)Robust Code Constructions Based on Bent Functions and Spline Wavelet DecompositionMathematics10.3390/math1018330510:18(3305)Online publication date: 12-Sep-2022
When deployed in a potentially hostile environment, security-critical devices are susceptible to physical attacks. Consequently, cryptographic implementations need to be protected against side-channel analysis, fault attacks and attacks that ...
implementing cryptographic algorithms. Powerful ways for gaining information about the secret key as well as various countermeasures against such attacks have been recently developed. Although it iswell known that such attacks can exploit information ...
Due to their high practical impact, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks have attracted a lot of attention from the members of security community worldwide. In the same way, a plethora of more or less effective defense techniques have been proposed, ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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