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Multi-view Interaction Learning for Few-Shot Relation Classification

Published: 30 October 2021 Publication History


Conventional deep learning-based Relation Classification (RC) methods heavily rely on large-scale training dataset and fail to generalize to unseen classes when training data is scant. This work concentrates on RC tasks in few-shot scenarios in which models classify the unlabelled samples given only few labeled samples. Existing few-shot RC models consider the dataset as a series of individual instances and have not fully utilized interaction information among them. Interaction information is conducive to indicate the important areas and produce discriminating representations. So this paper proposes a novel interactive attention network (IAN) which uses inter-instance and intra-instance interactive information to classify the relations. Inter-instance interactive information is first introduced to solve the low-resource problem by capturing the semantic relevance between an instance pair. Intra-instance interactive information is then introduced to address the ambiguous relation classification issue by extracting the entity information inner an instance. Extensive numerical experimental results demonstrate the proposed method promotes the accuracy of down-stream task.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (Presentation video for CIKM21-rgfp0401.mp4)
We propose a novel interactive attention network (IAN) which can capture both intra-and-inter interactive information for recognizing the correct relations in the few-shot relation classification tasks. And this video talks about our work through five parts? the background of the task, the motivations about the model design, the model details, the experimental results, and the final conclusion.


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    CIKM '21: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management
    October 2021
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    Published: 30 October 2021


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    1. few-shot learning
    2. interaction information
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