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WG4Rec: Modeling Textual Content with Word Graph for News Recommendation

Published: 30 October 2021 Publication History


News recommendation plays an indispensable role in acquiring daily news for users. Previous studies make great efforts to model high-order feature interactions between users and items, where various neural models are applied (e.g., RNN, GNN). However, we find that seldom efforts are made to get better representations for news. Most previous methods simply adopt pre-trained word embeddings to represent news and also suffer from cold-start users.
In this work, we propose a new textual content representation method by building a word graph for recommendation, which is named WG4Rec. Three types of word associations are adopted in WG4Rec for content representation and user preference modeling, namely: 1)semantically-similar according to pre-trained word vectors, 2)co-occurrence in documents, and 3)co-click by users across documents. As extra information can be unified by adding nodes/edges to the word graph easily, WG4Rec is flexible to make use of cross-platform and cross-domain context for recommendation to alleviate the cold-start issue. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first attempt that using these relationships for news recommendation to better model textual content and adopt cross-platform information. Experimental results on two large-scale real-world datasets show that WG4Rec significantly outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms, especially for cold users in the online environment. Besides, WG4Rec achieves better performances when cross-platform information is utilized.


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