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Tensor Decomposition for Link Prediction in Temporal Knowledge Graphs

Published: 02 December 2021 Publication History


We study temporal knowledge graph completion by using tensor decomposition. In particular, we use Candecomp/Parafac decomposition to factorize a given four dimensional sparse representation of a temporal knowledge graph into rank-one tensors that correspond to entities (subject and object), relations and timestamps. Using the factorized tensors, we can perform link and timestamp prediction. We compared our approach against the state of the art and found out that we are highly competitive. We report our preliminary experimental results on 5 different datasets.


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  • (2023)TemporalFC: A Temporal Fact Checking Approach over Knowledge GraphsThe Semantic Web – ISWC 202310.1007/978-3-031-47240-4_25(465-483)Online publication date: 6-Nov-2023



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cover image ACM Conferences
K-CAP '21: Proceedings of the 11th Knowledge Capture Conference
December 2021
300 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 02 December 2021


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  1. graph embedding
  2. link prediction
  3. temporal knowledge graph


  • Short-paper


K-CAP '21
K-CAP '21: Knowledge Capture Conference
December 2 - 3, 2021
Virtual Event, USA

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Overall Acceptance Rate 55 of 198 submissions, 28%


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  • (2024)Meta-learning framework with updating information flow for enhancing inductive predictionKnowledge-Based Systems10.1016/j.knosys.2024.111720294:COnline publication date: 21-Jun-2024
  • (2023)TemporalFC: A Temporal Fact Checking Approach over Knowledge GraphsThe Semantic Web – ISWC 202310.1007/978-3-031-47240-4_25(465-483)Online publication date: 6-Nov-2023

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