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User Bias in Beyond-Accuracy Measurement of Recommendation Algorithms

Published: 13 September 2021 Publication History


There are various biases in recommender systems. Recognizing biases, as well as unfairness caused by problematic biases, is the first step of system optimization. Related studies on algorithmic biases are mainly from the perspective of either items or users. For the latter (we call it “algorithmic user bias”), existing works have considered algorithms’ accuracy performances measured by accuracy metrics like RMSE. However, algorithmic user biases in beyond-accuracy measurements have rarely been studied, even though beyond-accuracy oriented recommendation algorithms have been increasingly investigated, with the purpose of breaking through the personalization limits of traditional accuracy-oriented algorithms (such as the typical “filter bubble” phenomenon). To fill in the research gap, in this work, we employ a large-scale survey dataset collected from a commercial platform, in which more than 11,000 users’ ratings on the recommendation’s 5 performance objectives (i.e., relevance, diversity, novelty, unexpectedness, and serendipity) and 8 kinds of user characteristics (i.e., gender, age, big-5 personality traits, and curiosity) are available. We study user biases of four algorithms (i.e., HOT, Rel-CF, Nov-CF, and Ser-CF) in terms of those five measurements between user groups of the eight user characteristics. We further look into users’ behavior patterns like the preference of using more positive ratings, in order to interpret the observed biases. Finally, based on the observed algorithmic user bias and users’ behavior patterns, we analyze the possible factors leading to the biases and recognize problematic biases that may lead to unfairness.

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RecSys '21: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
September 2021
883 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 13 September 2021


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  1. Recommender systems
  2. algorithmic bias
  3. beyond-accuracy objectives
  4. curiosity
  5. fairness
  6. personality
  7. serendipity
  8. user bias


  • Research-article
  • Research
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  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council


RecSys '21: Fifteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
September 27 - October 1, 2021
Amsterdam, Netherlands

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