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Pessimistic Reward Models for Off-Policy Learning in Recommendation

Published: 13 September 2021 Publication History


Methods for bandit learning from user interactions often require a model of the reward a certain context-action pair will yield – for example, the probability of a click on a recommendation. This common machine learning task is highly non-trivial, as the data-generating process for contexts and actions is often skewed by the recommender system itself. Indeed, when the deployed recommendation policy at data collection time does not pick its actions uniformly-at-random, this leads to a selection bias that can impede effective reward modelling. This in turn makes off-policy learning – the typical setup in industry – particularly challenging.
In this work, we propose and validate a general pessimistic reward modelling approach for off-policy learning in recommendation. Bayesian uncertainty estimates allow us to express scepticism about our own reward model, which can in turn be used to generate a conservative decision rule. We show how it alleviates a well-known decision making phenomenon known as the Optimiser’s Curse, and draw parallels with existing work on pessimistic policy learning. Leveraging the available closed-form expressions for both the posterior mean and variance when a ridge regressor models the reward, we show how to apply pessimism effectively and efficiently to an off-policy recommendation use-case. Empirical observations in a wide range of environments show that being conservative in decision-making leads to a significant and robust increase in recommendation performance. The merits of our approach are most outspoken in realistic settings with limited logging randomisation, limited training samples, and larger action spaces.

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RecSys '21: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
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  1. Contextual Bandits
  2. Offline Reinforcement Learning
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RecSys '21: Fifteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
September 27 - October 1, 2021
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