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SILVerIn: Systematic Integrity Verification of Printed Circuit Board Using JTAG Infrastructure

Published: 30 June 2021 Publication History


A printed circuit board (PCB) provides necessary mechanical support to an electronic system and acts as a platform for connecting electronic components. Counterfeiting and in-field tampering of PCBs have become significant security concerns in the semiconductor industry as a result of increasing untrusted entities in the supply chain. These counterfeit components may result in performance degradation, profit reduction, and reputation risk for the manufacturers. While Integrated Circuit (IC) level authentication using physical unclonable functions (PUFs) has been widely investigated, countermeasures at the PCB level are scarce. These approaches either suffer from significant overhead issues, or opportunistic counterfeiters can breach them like clockwork. Besides, they cannot be extended to system-level (both chip and PCB together), and their applications are also limited to a specific purpose (i.e., either counterfeiting or tampering). In this article, we introduce SILVerIn, a novel systematic approach to verify the authenticity of all chips used in a PCB as well as the board for combating attacks such as counterfeiting, cloning, and in-field malicious modifications. We develop this approach by utilizing the existing boundary scan architecture (BSA) of modern ICs and PCBs. As a result, its implementation comes at a negligible (∼0.5%) hardware overhead. SILVerIn is integrated into a PCB design during the manufacturing phase. We implement our technique on a custom hardware platform consisting of an FPGA and a microcontroller. We incorporate the industry-standard JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) interface to transmit test data into the BSA and perform hands-on measurement of supply current at both chip and PCB levels on 20 boards. We reconstruct these current values to digital signatures that exhibit high uniqueness, robustness, and randomness features. Our approach manifests strong reproducibility of signatures at different supply voltage levels, even with a low-resolution measurement setup. SILVerIn also demonstrates a high resilience against machine learning-based modeling attacks, with an average prediction accuracy of ∼51%. Finally, we conduct intentional alteration experiments by replacing the on-board FPGA to replicate the scenario of PCB tampering, and the results indicate successful detection of in-field modifications in a PCB.


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  1. SILVerIn: Systematic Integrity Verification of Printed Circuit Board Using JTAG Infrastructure



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems
    ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems  Volume 17, Issue 3
    July 2021
    483 pages
    • Editor:
    • Ramesh Karri
    Issue’s Table of Contents
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Journal Family

    Publication History

    Published: 30 June 2021
    Accepted: 01 April 2021
    Revised: 01 March 2021
    Received: 01 June 2020
    Published in JETC Volume 17, Issue 3


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    Author Tags

    1. PCB
    2. JTAG
    3. boundary scan
    4. BSA
    5. PUF
    6. hamming
    7. FPGA
    8. NIST
    9. counterfeit
    10. intrinsic
    11. CRP
    12. authentication
    13. uniqueness
    14. randomness
    15. robustness
    16. HaHa board
    17. signature
    18. tampering
    19. modeling attack


    • Research-article
    • Refereed

    Funding Sources

    • The Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC)


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    • (2023)Reliable and Efficient Chip-PCB Hybrid PUF and Lightweight Key GeneratorIEICE Transactions on Electronics10.1587/transele.2022ECP5050E106.C:8(432-441)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2023
    • (2023)PDNPulse: Sensing PCB Anomaly With the Intrinsic Power Delivery NetworkIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security10.1109/TIFS.2023.328549018(3590-3605)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2023
    • (2023)CurIAs: Current-Based IC Authentication by Exploiting Supply Current VariationsIEEE Transactions on Computers10.1109/TC.2022.315807572:2(466-479)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2023
    • (2023)MeLPUF: Memory-in-Logic PUF Structures for Low-Overhead IC Authentication2023 IEEE Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics (PAINE)10.1109/PAINE58317.2023.10317943(1-7)Online publication date: 24-Oct-2023

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