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Predoo: precision testing of deep learning operators

Published: 11 July 2021 Publication History


Deep learning(DL) techniques attract people from various fields with superior performance in making progressive breakthroughs. To ensure the quality of DL techniques, researchers have been working on testing and verification approaches. Some recent studies reveal that the underlying DL operators could cause defects inside a DL model. DL operators work as fundamental components in DL libraries. Library developers still work on practical approaches to ensure the quality of operators they provide. However, the variety of DL operators and the implementation complexity make it challenging to evaluate their quality. Operator testing with limited test cases may fail to reveal hidden defects inside the implementation. Besides, the existing model-to-library testing approach requires extra labor and time cost to identify and locate errors, i.e., developers can only react to the exposed defects. This paper proposes a fuzzing-based operator-level precision testing approach to estimate individual DL operators' precision errors to bridge this gap. Unlike conventional fuzzing techniques, valid shape variable inputs and fine-grained precision error evaluation are implemented. The testing of DL operators is treated as a searching problem to maximize output precision errors. We implement our approach in a tool named Predoo and conduct an experiment on seven DL operators from TensorFlow. The experiment result shows that Predoo can trigger larger precision errors compared to the error threshold declared in the testing scripts from the TensorFlow repository.


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ISSTA 2021: Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
July 2021
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 11 July 2021


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  1. deep learning operators
  2. floating-point operation
  3. precision testing


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