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View all- Qin XLi LPang GHao F(2024)Heterogeneous Graph Fusion Network for cross-modal image-text retrievalExpert Systems with Applications: An International Journal10.1016/j.eswa.2024.123842249:PCOnline publication date: 17-Jul-2024
Recently, collaborative representation (CR) has been shown to produce impressive performance on face recognition. However, the performances of CR depend on the number of labeled training samples for each class. When the labeled training samples per ...
Metric learning aims to learn a good distance metric that can capture the relationships among instances, and its importance has long been recognized in many fields. In the traditional settings of metric learning, an implicit assumption is that the ...
Deep metric learning has been extensively explored recently, which trains a deep neural network to produce discriminative embedding features. Most existing methods usually enforce the model to be indiscriminating to intra-class variance, which ...
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