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Text-Guided Visual Feature Refinement for Text-Based Person Search

Published: 01 September 2021 Publication History


Text-based person search is a task to retrieve the corresponding person in a large-scale image database given a textual description, which has important value in various fields like video surveillance. In the inferring phase, language descriptions, serving as queries, guide to search the corresponding person images. Most existing methods apply cross-modal signals to guide feature refinement. However, they employ visual features from the gallery to refine textual features, which may cause high similarity between unmatched pairs. Besides, the similarity-based cross-modal attention could disturb the choice of interested areas for descriptions. In this paper, we analyze the deficiency of previous methods and carefully design a Text-guided Visual Feature Refinement network (TVFR), which utilizes text as reference to refine visual representations. Firstly, we divide each visual feature into several horizontal stripes for fine-grained refinement. After that, we employ a text-based filter generation module to generate description-customized filters, which are used to indicate the corresponding stripes mentioned in the textual input. Thereafter, we employ a text-guided visual feature refinement module to fuse part-level visual features adaptively for each description. In experiments, we validate our TVFR through extensive experiments on CUHK-PEDES, which is the only available dataset for text-based person search. To the best of our knowledge, the TVFR outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.


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    ICMR '21: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval
    August 2021
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 01 September 2021


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    1. cross-modal retrieval
    2. text-based person search
    3. text-guided visual feature refinement


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    • the National Natural Science Foundation of China
    • the Ministry of Science and Technology of China
    • the Open Projects Program of National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition


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