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Manipulating Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality Using a New Ball-Shaped Input Device

Published: 28 May 2021 Publication History


Today’s Augmented Reality (AR) technology allows users to explore the real world enriched with digital artifacts, learn from it, or shape it (i.e., creating your own virtual objects). To properly use virtual objects in AR space, users must be able to manipulate them (i.e., rotate or move them). The prerequisite for manipulation is an intuitive interaction technique controlled by an input device. To explore novel AR interaction techniques, a new ball-shaped input device called BIRDY is combined with the HoloLens for the first time.
This paper presents findings regarding this combination of devices. Four new interaction techniques were designed that benefit from BIRDY’s orientation invariance. Aiming to identify promising interaction rules, a prototype was developed to evaluate these interaction techniques. Results indicate that using gravity as a placement tool and separating the degrees of freedom when manipulating virtual objects provides the best experience for users. Findings further confirm the potential of using ball-shaped devices for interaction in AR.


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          AH2021: 12th Augmented Human International Conference
          May 2021
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          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

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          Published: 28 May 2021


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          1. 3D interaction
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          AH2021: 12th Augmented Human International Conference
          May 27 - 28, 2021
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