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Better atomic writes by exposing the flash out-of-band area to file systems

Published: 22 June 2021 Publication History


File systems for mobile devices usually preserve data consistency by ordered I/Os. However, maintaining I/O ordering prevents applications from fully exploiting device parallelism and thus degrades the storage performance. In this paper, we propose NBStack to eliminate ordered I/Os without compromising data consistency. First, we augment the existing block interface to expose the Flash out-of-band area to file systems. Second, we build an enhanced block device prototype that supports the new interface. Third, we develop NBFS, a Linux file system, that leverages the new block interface to achieve atomic writes without enforcing I/O orderings. Experimental results show that NBStack doubles the performance of F2FS while providing strong consistency and durability guarantees. If applications are willing to trade-off durability, NBStack can further aggressively improve performance.


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cover image ACM Conferences
LCTES 2021: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED International Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems
June 2021
162 pages
  • General Chair:
  • Jörg Henkel,
  • Program Chair:
  • Xu Liu
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 22 June 2021


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  1. consistency
  2. file systems
  3. flash
  4. parallelism


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