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Struggle to Settle down! Examining the Voices of Migrants and Refugees on Twitter Platform

Published: 23 October 2021 Publication History


Prior studies, mostly from the social science domain, have observed that mental stress and struggles are high for refugees. Information science researchers have found that social media data can be insightful for probing psychological stress. However, none of the previous studies, to the best of our knowledge, investigated social media data to identify the voices of migrants and refugees and analyzed their concerns. We have collected 0.15 million tweets, but only 2% of these tweets are the voices of migrants and refugees. In addition to non-refugee and non-migrant voices, we have classified their voices into three themes as follows: their generic views, initial struggles, and subsequent settlement in the host country. We have employed deep learning and transformer-based models for identifying these themes. Our best-performing transformer-based model has reported an accuracy of 75.89%. We have also identified some exciting avenues for future research.


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CSCW '21 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2021 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
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Published: 23 October 2021


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