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Predicting Gaze from Egocentric Social Interaction Videos and IMU Data

Published: 18 October 2021 Publication History


Gaze prediction in egocentric videos is a fairly new research topic, which might have several applications for assistive technology (e.g., supporting blind people in their daily interactions), security (e.g., attention tracking in risky work environments), education (e.g., augmented / mixed reality training simulators, immersive games) and so forth. Egocentric gaze is typically estimated from video while few works attempt to use inertial measurement unit (IMU) data, a sensor modality often available in wearable devices (e.g., augmented reality headsets). Instead, in this paper, we examine whether joint learning of egocentric video and corresponding IMU data can improve the first-person gaze prediction compared to using these modalities separately. In this respect, we propose a multimodal network and evaluate it on several unconstrained social interaction scenarios captured by a first-person perspective. The proposed multimodal network achieves better results compared to unimodal methods as well as several (multimodal) baselines, showing that using egocentric video together with IMU data can boost the first-person gaze estimation performance.

Supplementary Material

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MP4 File (ICMI21-sp1225.mp4)
Egocentric vision is a fairly new domain in research. It provide necessary details to understand the human perception and interaction abilities. Egocentric gaze is typically estimated using visual models though some work have tried to estimate gaze using data sensors essentially IMUs. In this work, we attempt to combine both the modalities to examine if a joint learning of egocentric video and corresponding IMU data can improve the first-person gaze prediction compared to using these modalities separately. The proposed approach performs better as compared to uni modal methods on an in-the-wild dataset collected using Tobii Eye tracker 3 for various scenarios.
MP4 File (p717-ICMI21-sp1225.mp4)
Video presentation


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ICMI '21: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
October 2021
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Published: 18 October 2021


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  1. IMU
  2. egocentric video
  3. gaze
  4. multimodal
  5. social interactions


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ICMI '21
October 18 - 22, 2021
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