Cited By
View all- Liu YStoller S(2024)Tutorial: Consensus Algorithms from Classical to Blockchain: Quickly Program, Configure, Run, and Check2024 IEEE 44th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW)10.1109/ICDCSW63686.2024.00005(1-4)Online publication date: 23-Jul-2024
- Shivam KPaladugu VLiu YLiu YSchiller E(2023)Specification and Runtime Checking of Derecho, A Protocol for Fast Replication for Cloud ServicesProceedings of the 5th workshop on Advanced tools, programming languages, and PLatforms for Implementing and Evaluating algorithms for Distributed systems10.1145/3584684.3597275(1-10)Online publication date: 19-Jun-2023
- Paul SAgha GPatterson SVarela C(2022)Eventual consensus in Synod: verification using a failure-aware actor modelInnovations in Systems and Software Engineering10.1007/s11334-022-00463-519:4(395-410)Online publication date: 25-Jul-2022