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GaitSense: Towards Ubiquitous Gait-Based Human Identification with Wi-Fi

Published: 05 October 2021 Publication History


Gait, the walking manner of a person, has been perceived as a physical and behavioral trait for human identification. Compared with cameras and wearable sensors, Wi-Fi-based gait recognition is more attractive because Wi-Fi infrastructure is almost available everywhere and is able to sense passively without the requirement of on-body devices. However, existing Wi-Fi sensing approaches impose strong assumptions of fixed user walking trajectories, sufficient training data, and identification of already known users. In this article, we present GaitSense, a Wi-Fi-based human identification system, to overcome the above unrealistic assumptions. To deal with various walking trajectories and speeds, GaitSense first extracts target specific features that best characterize gait patterns and applies novel normalization algorithms to eliminate gait irrelevant perturbation in signals. On this basis, GaitSense reduces the training efforts in new deployment scenarios by transfer learning and data augmentation techniques. GaitSense also enables a distinct feature of illegal user identification by anomaly detection, making the system readily available for real-world deployment. Our implementation and evaluation with commodity Wi-Fi devices demonstrate a consistent identification accuracy across various deployment scenarios with little training samples, pushing the limit of gait recognition with Wi-Fi signals.


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    cover image ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
    ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 18, Issue 1
    February 2022
    434 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Publication History

    Published: 05 October 2021
    Accepted: 01 May 2021
    Revised: 01 March 2021
    Received: 01 October 2020
    Published in TOSN Volume 18, Issue 1


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    Author Tags

    1. Gait recognition
    2. channel state information
    3. commodity Wi-Fi


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    • National Key Research Plan
    • NSFC


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