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A ReRAM Memory Compiler for Monolithic 3D Integrated Circuits in a Carbon Nanotube Process

Published: 03 November 2021 Publication History


We present a ReRAM memory compiler for monolithic 3D (M3D) integrated circuits (IC). We develop ReRAM architectures for M3D ICs using 1T-1R bit cells and single and multiple tiers of transistors for access and peripheral circuits. The compiler includes an automated flow for generation of subarrays of different dimensions and larger arrays of a target capacity by integrating multiple subarrays. The compiler is demonstrated using an M3D process design kit (PDK) based on a Carbon Nanotube Transistor technology. The PDK includes multiple layers of transistors and back-end-of-the-line integrated ReRAM. Simulations show the compiled ReRAM macros with multiple tiers of transistors reduces footprint and improves performance over the macros with single-tier transistors. The compiler creates layout views that are exported into library exchange format or graphic data system for full-array assembly and schematic/symbol views to extract per-bit read/write energy and read latency. Comparison of the proposed M3D subarray architectures with baseline 2D subarrays, generated with a custom-designed set of bit cells and peripherals, demonstrate up to 48% area reduction and 13% latency improvement.


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  • (2024)3D SRAM Design & Optimization with Open Source Memory Compiler2024 International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC)10.1109/3DIC63395.2024.10830085(1-5)Online publication date: 25-Sep-2024
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cover image ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems  Volume 18, Issue 1
January 2022
497 pages
  • Editor:
  • Ramesh Karri
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Publication History

Published: 03 November 2021
Accepted: 01 May 2021
Revised: 01 February 2021
Received: 01 September 2020
Published in JETC Volume 18, Issue 1


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  1. Memory compiler
  2. monolithic 3D integration
  3. ReRAM


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  • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)


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  • (2024)3D SRAM Design & Optimization with Open Source Memory Compiler2024 International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC)10.1109/3DIC63395.2024.10830085(1-5)Online publication date: 25-Sep-2024
  • (2023)Moving Target Defense Through Approximation for Low-Power Neuromorphic Edge IntelligenceIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems10.1109/TCAD.2023.332709343:3(728-741)Online publication date: 25-Oct-2023

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