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GeoGraph: A Framework for Graph Processing on Geometric Data

Published: 06 June 2021 Publication History


In many applications of graph processing, the input data is often generated from an underlying geometric point data set. However, existing high-performance graph processing frameworks assume that the input data is given as a graph. Therefore, to use these frameworks, the user must write or use external programs based on computational geometry algorithms to convert their point data set to a graph, which requires more programming effort and can also lead to performance degradation.
In this paper, we present our ongoing work on the Geo- Graph framework for shared-memory multicore machines, which seamlessly supports routines for parallel geometric graph construction and parallel graph processing within the same environment. GeoGraph supports graph construction based on k-nearest neighbors, Delaunay triangulation, and b-skeleton graphs. It can then pass these generated graphs to over 25 graph algorithms. GeoGraph contains highperformance parallel primitives and algorithms implemented in C++, and includes a Python interface. We present four examples of using GeoGraph, and some experimental results showing good parallel speedups and improvements over the Higra library. We conclude with a vision of future directions for research in bridging graph and geometric data processing.


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  1. GeoGraph: A Framework for Graph Processing on Geometric Data



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      cover image ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review
      ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review  Volume 55, Issue 1
      July 2021
      107 pages
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      Published in SIGOPS Volume 55, Issue 1

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