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Flexible Routing with Policy Exchange

Published: 01 February 2022 Publication History


BGP and its alternatives alike, struggle with distributed policy making in the absence of a central authority: BGP prioritizes independence of the participating networks (e.g., ASes), imposes zero coordination, but has to tolerate inflexible policies each network can express. On the other hand, BGP alternatives (source routing, for example), through coordination, trade independence for flexibility, but only achieve flexibility partially. This paper asks, to achieve flexible routing, what is the fitting adjustment between network independence and coordination? To answer this question, we propose a simple principle that the sole end to interfere with the flexibility of a participating network is to prevent harms — decreasing the level of flexibility — to others. As an instantiation of this principle, we introduce the concept of policy exchange that dynamically adjusts independently set policies on the fly, and develop a preliminary implementation with conditional table, a strong knowledge representation system that allows us to distribute and manipulate policies with the usual SQL-like operators. Our preliminary experiments on realistic network topology and synthetic policies are encouraging.


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APNet '21: Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 01 February 2022


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  1. Policy exchange
  2. conditional tables
  3. interdomain routing
  4. knowledge representation


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  • Research
  • Refereed limited

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  • NSF


APNet 2021
APNet 2021: 5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking
June 24 - 25, 2021
Shenzhen, China, China

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