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FreeSia: A Cyber-physical System for Cognitive Assessment through Frequency-domain Indoor Locomotion Analysis

Published: 11 April 2022 Publication History


Thanks to the seamless integration of sensing, networking, and artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems promise to improve healthcare by increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Specifically, cyber-physical systems are being increasingly applied in smart-homes to support independent and healthy aging. Due to the growing prevalence of noncommunicable diseases in the senior population, a key application in this domain is the detection of cognitive issues based on sensor data. In this article, we propose a novel cyber-physical system for cognitive assessment in smart-homes. Cognitive evaluation relies on clinical indicators characterizing symptoms of dementia based on the individual’s movement patterns. However, recognizing these patterns in smart-homes is challenging, because movement is constrained by the home layout and obstacles. Since different abnormal patterns are characterized by undulatory-like trajectories, we conjecture that frequency-based locomotion features may more effectively capture these patterns with respect to traditional features in the spatio-temporal domain. Based on this intuition, we introduce novel feature extraction techniques and adopt state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for short- and long-term cognitive evaluation. Our system includes a user-friendly interface that enables clinicians to inspect the data and predictions. Extensive experiments carried out with a real-world dataset acquired from both cognitively healthy seniors and people with dementia show the superiority of our frequency-based features. Moreover, further experiments with an ensemble method show that prediction accuracy can be enhanced by combining features in the frequency and time domains.


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  • (2023)Activity Recognition in Smart Homes via Feature-Rich Visual Extraction of Locomotion TracesElectronics10.3390/electronics1209196912:9(1969)Online publication date: 24-Apr-2023
  • (2022)A Combination of Visual and Temporal Trajectory Features for Cognitive Assessment in Smart Home2022 23rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM)10.1109/MDM55031.2022.00078(343-348)Online publication date: Jun-2022

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  1. FreeSia: A Cyber-physical System for Cognitive Assessment through Frequency-domain Indoor Locomotion Analysis



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems
        ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems  Volume 6, Issue 2
        April 2022
        247 pages
        • Editor:
        • Chenyang Lu
        Issue’s Table of Contents


        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

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        Publication History

        Published: 11 April 2022
        Online AM: 04 February 2022
        Accepted: 01 June 2021
        Revised: 01 April 2021
        Received: 01 August 2020
        Published in TCPS Volume 6, Issue 2


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        1. Cognitive assessment
        2. smart-home
        3. healthcare
        4. location data mining


        • Research-article
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        • POR FESR Sardegna 2014-2020 project “MISTER: Match Information System and Technologies for the Evaluation of the Performance” and by project “ADAM”


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        • (2024)Unobtrusive Cognitive Assessment in Smart-Homes: Leveraging Visual Encoding and Synthetic Movement Traces Data MiningSensors10.3390/s2405138124:5(1381)Online publication date: 21-Feb-2024
        • (2023)Activity Recognition in Smart Homes via Feature-Rich Visual Extraction of Locomotion TracesElectronics10.3390/electronics1209196912:9(1969)Online publication date: 24-Apr-2023
        • (2022)A Combination of Visual and Temporal Trajectory Features for Cognitive Assessment in Smart Home2022 23rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM)10.1109/MDM55031.2022.00078(343-348)Online publication date: Jun-2022

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