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Graphite: optimizing graph neural networks on CPUs through cooperative software-hardware techniques

Published: 11 June 2022 Publication History


Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are becoming popular because they are effective at extracting information from graphs. To execute GNNs, CPUs are good platforms because of their high availability and terabyte-level memory capacity, which enables full-batch computation on large graphs. However, GNNs on CPUs are heavily memory bound, which limits their performance.
In this paper, we address this problem by alleviating the stress of GNNs on memory with cooperative software-hardware techniques. Our software techniques include: (i) layer fusion that overlaps the memory-intensive phase and the compute-intensive phase in a GNN layer, (ii) feature compression that reduces memory traffic by exploiting the sparsity in the vertex feature vectors, and (iii) an algorithm that changes the processing order of vertices to improve temporal locality. On top of the software techniques, we enhance the CPUs' direct memory access (DMA) engines with the capability to execute the GNNs' memory-intensive phase, so that the processor cores can focus on the compute-intensive phase. We call the combination of our software and hardware techniques Graphite.
We evaluate Graphite with popular GNN models on large graphs. The result is high-performance full-batch GNN training and inference on CPUs. Our software techniques outperform a state-of-the-art GNN layer implementation by 1.7--1.9x in inference and 1.6--2.6x in training. Our combined software and hardware techniques speedup inference by 1.6--2.0x and training by 1.9--3.1x.


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