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FFCCD: fence-free crash-consistent concurrent defragmentation for persistent memory

Published: 11 June 2022 Publication History


Persistent Memory (PM) is increasingly supplementing or substituting DRAM as main memory. Prior work have focused on reusability and memory leaks of persistent memory but have not addressed a problem amplified by persistence, persistent memory fragmentation, which refers to the continuous worsening of fragmentation of persistent memory throughout its usage. This paper reveals the challenges and proposes the first systematic crash-consistent solution, Fence-Free Crash-consistent Concurrent Defragmentation (FFCCD). FFCCD resues persistent pointer format, root nodes and typed allocation provided by persistent memory programming model to enable concurrent defragmentation on PM. FFCCD introduces architecture support for concurrent defragmentation that enables a fence-free design and fast read barrier, reducing two major overheads of defragmenting persistent memory. The techniques is effective (28--73% fragmentation reduction) and fast (4.1% execution time overhead).


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  • (2024)I/O Causality Based In-Line Data Deduplication for Non-Volatile Memory Enabled Storage SystemsIEEE Transactions on Computers10.1109/TC.2024.336596173:5(1327-1340)Online publication date: May-2024
  • (2023)Reconciling Selective Logging and Hardware Persistent Memory Transaction2023 IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)10.1109/HPCA56546.2023.10071088(664-676)Online publication date: Feb-2023

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