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Geyser: a compilation framework for quantum computing with neutral atoms

Published: 11 June 2022 Publication History


Compared to widely-used superconducting qubits, neutral-atom quantum computing technology promises potentially better scalability and flexible arrangement of qubits to allow higher operation parallelism and more relaxed cooling requirements. The high performance computing (HPC) and architecture community is beginning to design new solutions to take advantage of neutral-atom quantum architectures and overcome its unique challenges.
We propose Geyser, the first work to take advantage of the multi-qubit gates natively supported by neutral-atom quantum computers by appropriately mapping quantum circuits to three-qubit-friendly physical arrangement of qubits. Then, Geyser creates multiple logical blocks in the quantum circuit to exploit quantum parallelism and reduce the number of pulses needed to realize physical gates. These circuit blocks elegantly enable Geyser to compose equivalent circuits with three-qubit gates, even when the original program does not have any multi-qubit gates. Our evaluation results show Geyser reduces the number of operation pulses by 25%-90% and improves the algorithm's output fidelity by 25%-60% points across different algorithms.


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  1. Geyser: a compilation framework for quantum computing with neutral atoms



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    ISCA '22: Proceedings of the 49th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture
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    1. NISQ computing
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    5. quantum software
    6. rydberg atoms


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