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View all- Tang BMa ZZhang KCao DZhang J(2022)Substation Equipment Spare Parts’ Inventory Prediction Model Based on Remaining Useful LifeMathematical Problems in Engineering10.1155/2022/33968502022(1-11)Online publication date: 27-Apr-2022
This paper describes a comprehensive approach to ensuring equipment maintenance and repair organization MRO efficiency in solving tasks with supporting tools and a systematic approach. Types of support for MRO, classification of MRO methodologies, basic ...
Nowadays, modern engineering systems require sophisticated maintenance strategies to ensure their correct performance. Maintenance has become one of the most important tasks of the systems lifecycle. This paper presents a literature review of the ...
This publication discusses the evolution of CAD, CAM, and CAE tools through product data management systems into today's product lifecycle management (PLM), followed by a review of the characteristics and benefits of PLM. Current practices and potential ...
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