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Attitudes of primary and secondary students towards online lessons during Covid-19

Published: 07 October 2021 Publication History


The spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) forced the closure of schools nationwide at the outset of the pandemic. The aim of this paper is to examine the attitudes of primary/secondary school students in Novi Sad, Serbia towards online lessons during pandemic. However, the online course on geography was open to non-Serbian students i.e. students from other countries who used Preply platform. The research was conducted based on the online survey regarding the attitudes of students. Main results of data analysis indicate that students prefer face to face lessons. Around 15.8% of students recommend using only online lessons in the future. Live lesson e.g. Google Meet, Zoom was mostly given to respondents.


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  1. Attitudes of primary and secondary students towards online lessons during Covid-19



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    Published: 07 October 2021


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    1. COVID-19
    2. attitudes
    3. online learning
    4. primary school
    5. secondary school


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