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Accelerating DBSCAN Algorithm with AI Chips for Large Datasets

Published: 05 October 2021 Publication History


DBSCAN is a popular clustering algorithm, which shows great success in many real-world applications. Its advantages come at the expense of massive computation, especially for computing the distance matrix. Driven by deep learning, many Artificial Intelligence (AI) chips have been developed. With efficient matrix multiplication units, AI chips can significantly accelerate the distance calculation. However, DBSCAN also needs to identify and count the neighbors for each point. It is challenging for most AI chips due to over-specialization. Moreover, the increasing data size and the limited device memory capacity force DBSCAN to follow a mini-batch manner. It results in a high data transfer overhead, which further hinders the performance of DBSCAN on AI chips. In this paper, we propose two novel techniques to address the challenges of accelerating the DBSCAN algorithm with AI chips: (1) new neighbor identification algorithms using bitwise operations only, while traditional solutions require the compare-and-select operations that are weakly supported in AI chips; and (2) two speculative execution strategies to reduce the data transfer overhead induced by mini-batches. Evaluations show that deploying distance matrix calculation to tensor cores achieves 2.61 × speedup on Nvidia RTX 3090. On Huawei Ascend 310, our neighbor identification algorithms achieve 17.88 × throughout of using CPUs for neighbor identification. The speculative execution strategies further reduce the execution time by 15.1% on average for normal datasets and up to 99.0% for sparse datasets.


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ICPP '21: Proceedings of the 50th International Conference on Parallel Processing
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Published: 05 October 2021


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  1. AI chip
  3. Tensor core
  4. clustering
  5. parallel computing


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