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VaryMinions: leveraging RNNs to identify variants in event logs

Published: 23 August 2021 Publication History


Business processes have to manage variability in their execution, e.g., to deliver the correct building permit in different municipalities. This variability is visible in event logs, where sequences of events are shared by the core process (building permit authorisation) but may also be specific to each municipality. To rationalise resources (e.g., derive a configurable business process capturing all municipalities’ permit variants) or to debug anomalous behaviour, it is mandatory to identify to which variant a given trace belongs. This paper supports this task by training Long Short Term Memory (LSTMs) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs) algorithms on two datasets: a configurable municipality and a travel expenses workflow. We demonstrate that variability can be identified accurately (>87%) and discuss the challenges of learning highly entangled variants.


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MaLTESQuE 2021: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Software Quality Evolution
August 2021
36 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 23 August 2021


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  1. Configurable processes
  2. Recurrent Neural Networks
  3. Variability Mining


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  • (2024)VaryMinions: leveraging RNNs to identify variants in variability-intensive systems’ logsEmpirical Software Engineering10.1007/s10664-024-10473-529:4Online publication date: 15-Jun-2024
  • (2024)Efficient construction of family-based behavioral models from adaptively learned modelsSoftware and Systems Modeling10.1007/s10270-024-01199-524:1(225-251)Online publication date: 7-Aug-2024
  • (2024)Biomedical Named Entity Recognition Model Based on Knowledge DistillationBusiness Intelligence and Information Technology10.1007/978-981-97-3980-6_38(443-451)Online publication date: 30-Aug-2024
  • (2022)MaLTeSQuE 2021 Workshop SummaryACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes10.1145/3502771.350277747:1(15-17)Online publication date: 25-Jan-2022

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