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Identifying Contact Fingers on Touch Sensitive Surfaces by Ring-Based Vibratory Communication

Published: 12 October 2021 Publication History


As computing paradigms shift toward mobile and ubiquitous interaction, there is an increasing demand for wearable interfaces supporting multifaceted input in smart living environments. In this regard, we introduce a system that identifies contact fingers using vibration as a modality of communication. We investigate the vibration characteristics of the communication channels involved and simulate the transmission of vibration sequences. In the simulation, we test and refine modulation and demodulation methods to design vibratory communication protocols that are robust to environmental noises and can detect multiple simultaneous contact fingers. As a result, we encode an on-off keying sequence with a unique carrier frequency to each finger and demodulate the sequences by applying cross-correlation. We verify the communication protocols in two environments, laboratory and cafe, where the resulting highest accuracy was 93 % and 90.5 %, respectively. Our system achieves over 91 % accuracy in identifying seven contact states from three fingers while wearing only two actuator rings with the aid of a touch screen. Our findings shed light on diversifying touch interactions on rigid surfaces by means of vibratory communication.


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  • (2024)SpeciFingersProceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies10.1145/36435598:1(1-28)Online publication date: 6-Mar-2024
  • (2023)VibAware: Context-Aware Tap and Swipe Gestures Using Bio-Acoustic SensingProceedings of the 2023 ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction10.1145/3607822.3614544(1-12)Online publication date: 13-Oct-2023



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  • (2024)SpeciFingersProceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies10.1145/36435598:1(1-28)Online publication date: 6-Mar-2024
  • (2023)VibAware: Context-Aware Tap and Swipe Gestures Using Bio-Acoustic SensingProceedings of the 2023 ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction10.1145/3607822.3614544(1-12)Online publication date: 13-Oct-2023

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