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Management of Covid-19 Detection Using Artificial Intelligence in 2020 Pandemic

Published: 26 October 2021 Publication History


Successful early detection of Covid-19 disease plays an important role in improving the effectiveness of treatment and managing the pandemic. Various diagnostic methods for the rapid detection of COVID-19 are presented. The first and most important test to detect Covid19 is the PCR test. Studies have shown that PCR testing is time-consuming, expensive, and has a large number of false negatives. As a trend in the scientific community, artificial intelligence has succeeded in Covid19 detection and diagnosis. This article identifies the key achievements reflected in the performance measurement indicators of the application of artificial intelligence algorithms in Covid-19 detection. Besides, this study discusses the finding and future lessons as a roadmap for Corona Pandemic Age. Mean diagnosis of all AI algorithms in the studies performed through Radiology modality had sensitivity with an average higher than 95% and a specificity of higher than 92%, which have a higher diagnostic rate than of traditional radiological methods. Based on relevant research in the field of diagnosis of Covid-19, the Health care managers and Specialists could be able to manage the Pandemic much better and scientifically. Equipping devices and Radiological Center by AI Algorithms and software can cause increases covid19 identification tests and hence can cover more people exposed to Diagnosing Test. This study presents a comprehensive review of Artificial Intelligence techniques and evolving deep learning techniques for Covid-19 Detection.


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