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Citadel: Protecting Data Privacy and Model Confidentiality for Collaborative Learning

Published: 01 November 2021 Publication History


Many organizations own data but have limited machine learning expertise (data owners). On the other hand, organizations that have expertise need data from diverse sources to train truly generalizable models (model owners). With the advancement of machine learning (ML) and its growing awareness, the data owners would like to pool their data and collaborate with model owners, such that both entities can benefit from the obtained models. In such a collaboration, the data owners want to protect the privacy of its training data, while the model owners desire the confidentiality of the model and the training method that may contain intellectual properties. Existing private ML solutions, such as federated learning and split learning, cannot simultaneously meet the privacy requirements of both data and model owners.
We present Citadel, a scalable collaborative ML system that protects both data and model privacy in untrusted infrastructures equipped with Intel SGX. Citadel performs distributed training across multiple training enclaves running on behalf of data owners and an aggregator enclave on behalf of the model owner. Citadel establishes a strong information barrier between these enclaves by zero-sum masking and hierarchical aggregation to prevent data/model leakage during collaborative training. Compared with existing SGX-protected systems, Citadel achieves better scalability and stronger privacy guarantees for collaborative ML. Cloud deployment with various ML models shows that Citadel scales to a large number of enclaves with less than 1.73X slowdown.

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