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Towards the Development of an Adaptive E-learning System with Chatbot Using Personalized E-learning Model

Published: 05 October 2021 Publication History


Although there is no distinctive header, this is the abstract. This submission template allows authors to submit their papers E-learning has become one of the most used electronic systems in the field of education. Although it is beneficial, there are still some lacking capabilities and considerations that can negatively affect the performance of the students. This leads to the innovation that makes e-learning systems adaptive to the users’ personality, knowledge, behavior, interest, or preferences, the system is called personalized e-learning system. This survey paper aims to provide the general parameters in creating a personalized e-learning system based on the 150 research papers collected, and a timespan of 2016 to 2020 as a condition. Through a series of literature reviews of research papers published in the last five years, also related to personalized e-learning systems, this paper presents the common components, tools and algorithms, and learning model that are generally used in developing a personalized e-learning system to help as reference in developing more effective personalized e-learning systems. Moreover, considering the findings of this study, this paper has proposed developing a hybrid e-learning system with a chatbot.


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ICFET '21: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies
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Published: 05 October 2021


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  1. Adaptive
  2. Chatbot
  3. Myer-Briggs Type Indicator Theory
  4. Personalized e-Learning Model


  • Research-article
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  • Refereed limited


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