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Design Considerations for Usable Authentication in Smart Homes

Published: 13 September 2021 Publication History


Smart home devices are on the rise. To provide their rich variety of features, they collect, store and process a considerable amount of (potentially sensitive) user data. However, authentication mechanisms on such devices a) have limited usability or b) are non-existing. To close this gap, we investigated, on one hand, users’ perspectives towards potential privacy and security risks as well as how they imagine usable authentication mechanisms in future smart homes. On the other hand, we considered security experts’ perspectives on authentication for smart homes. In particular, we conducted semi-structured interviews (N=20) with potential smart home users using the story completion method and a focus group with security experts (N=10). We found what kind of devices users would choose and why, potential challenges regarding privacy and security, and potential solutions. We discussed and verified these with security experts. We derive and reflect on a set of design implications for usable authentication mechanisms for smart homes and suggest directions for future research. Our work can assist designers and practitioners when implementing appropriate security mechanisms for smart homes.


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Published: 13 September 2021


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  1. authentication
  2. privacy
  3. smart devices
  4. smart homes
  5. story completion
  6. thematic analysis
  7. usable security


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MuC '21
MuC '21: Mensch und Computer 2021
September 5 - 8, 2021
Ingolstadt, Germany


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  • (2024)More than just informed: The importance of consent facets in smart homesProceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3613904.3642288(1-21)Online publication date: 11-May-2024
  • (2023)A Scalable and Lightweight Authentication Architecture for the Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Home Applications2023 2nd Zimbabwe Conference of Information and Communication Technologies (ZCICT)10.1109/ZCICT59466.2023.10528576(1-5)Online publication date: 2-Nov-2023
  • (2022)“Where did you first meet the owner?” – Exploring Usable Authentication for Smart Home VisitorsExtended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3491101.3519777(1-7)Online publication date: 27-Apr-2022

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